Tips and Guides,

Eco friendly travel 7 tips to be environmentally conscious on a trip

Eco friendly travel Secondsguru guide eco tourism

When I was in school, summer breaks were the best time of all -as that was when we traveled for our annual holidays. The other term breaks were meant for mastering board games, learning (and improving) sports, exploring the outdoors and ahem, ahem, doing home work! Over the years distances have become shorter and travelling is as commonplace as going out for a meal. Most families take 1-2 long holidays and several short- the ubiquitous …[Read more]

DIY, Events, Kids, Upcycle,

Birthday ideas Advent calendar for the birthday month

diy toilet paper roll advent calendar

I had been saving up a surprise for my daugther’s 13th birthday for last few years, something unique to make her feel special on her arrival to the ‘teens’. It was to hand make a personalised advent calendar for the month of her birthday! Guess what? I couldn’t wait another year -which is when she actually turns 13- so I decided to surprise her this year when she turned 12 instead. The advent calendar gift …[Read more]

Kids, Tips and Guides,

Volunteer with kids 4 things you can do in Singapore

secondsguru contest volunteering with kids singapore

[Scroll to the end of the article to find out details on how to win a complimentary event from Gift-It-Forward. To enter the contest, simply share an experience on our FB page. The content ends 22 June, 2017]  Do you live in Singapore and have kids? I do. I also wake up every morning grateful for what we have, aware that many others do not have the life we have- either because they are differently-abled, or because …[Read more]


Recycling in Singapore Tackling some common myths

waste management and recycling in singapore

I have been witness to a fair number of notions and misconceptions that people have about recycling in Singapore – mostly first-hand [perhaps because of my association with Secondsguru], sometimes from the grapevine too. When I realised that the there are way too many myths about recycling in Singapore, I decided that I would do my bit by clearing the air on some of them. In the process I am hoping that perhaps I will be able to build a case …[Read more]