Published 2 March 2015 ● Last Updated on 6 April 2021

What Secondsguru thinks of recycled movie themes!
The most clichéd movie themes ever:Sometimes over-recycling is uncool

Have you ever rented a movie on a Friday night only to get half way through it and think, Wait a second – haven’t I seen this before? You probably haven’t seen that movie but at least twenty other movies like it.

Hollywood never tires of revisiting clichéd movie themes in the hope of bringing a new spin to them [and in the hope of cloning the original success!] but it just never quite happens. If you want to avoid yet another Friday night experiencing the bored version of a déjà vu, steer clear from the types of movies mentioned below!

The Nerd Transformation

For some people high school was a piece of cake; they found themselves automatically enrolled in the popular groups, had the best hair, the smoothest skin and the trendiest outfits. They exceeded at school, sports and cheer-leading and always had the hottest boyfriends/girlfriends. These days, they cherish their high school memories and would give anything to go back.

Others hated every single second of high school; they found themselves automatically exiled to the “losers table”, never experienced a good hair-day, were always plagued by acne and were always picked on by the aforementioned popular crowd. Those of you who can relate to the losers table probably find solace in movies where the ignored, bullied nerd finally scores the prom-queen/king. Fortunately there’s loads of the kind: She’s All That, Grease, 10 Things I Hate About You and Never Been Kissed.


The In-Law Vs The Husband/Wife to Be

There’s nothing more terrifying than the dreaded meeting of the future in-laws. Over-protective fathers wait for their moment to pull you aside and grill you about your intentions and hysteric mothers do everything in their power to take over the wedding planning using everything from guilt-trips to feigned broken hearts to get their way.

Meeting the in-laws can easily turn into a nightmarish event, so it’s unsurprising Hollywood would cash out on this particular idea. Movies like Meet the Fockers, Monster in Law and My Boss’s Daughter take this theme to the absolute extreme by presenting us with one far-fetched scenario after the other. Most comical scenes are entirely too predictable and over-the-top, but then again hey, you might just be the lucky one to get an ex CIA agent as your future father in-law.


The Unlikely Teacher or Babysitter

Some of us are born naturals when it comes to children: We know how to entertain them, care for them and how to teach them about discipline, manners and respect. We have been gifted with never-ending patience, creative ideas and a nurturing personality. Even if you don’t have any children of your own, there are some professions that will prepare you for the dilemmas you might face in child-raising: Teachers, trainers and nurses, for instance.

But what about cops or special agents? Sure, they may know how to get someone to confess to a lie, kick someone’s butt or fire a weapon, but do they know how to stop a four-year old from crying? Would they know what to do with a bunch of toddlers running amok? Do they know how to deal with teenaged drama-queens? Sounds like a recipe for disaster! And that’s what most of the films that try to merge Kindergarten humour with cop mentalities are trying to avoid: A disaster! We’ve seen it all before in The Pacifier, Kindergarten Cop and Man of the House.


Roxanne is a German/British Journalist/Author based in Spain who shares our passion for all things old and quirky.

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