Detailed posters depicting the impact of various projects from Secondsguru’s Zero Waste Bootcamps are on display in a ‘Traveling Exhibition‘ across public spaces in Singapore to spur youth and members of the community to come together and take collective action. The exhibition is on at the Sustainable Singapore Gallery till 10 Jan 2022. It will move to NUS Central Library till the end of March 2022 before heading over to the next public space for …[Read more]
Very Merry Vegan Party Snack Recipes
The festive season is upon us. Many of you are probably planning family get togethers just like I am! Celebrations bring together momentous moments with family and friends, old and new, beautiful gifts, and countless other joyful experiences. One thing that is undoubtedly the underlying fabric of the festive season is food. Food elevates our festive experience with our loved ones and unites us in ways that we cannot even imagine. For the next get-together …[Read more]
Healthy Living 4 Simple Lifestyle Edits
Modern lifestyles, where we are short on time and high on multi-tasking, have pushed us to use newer materials and processes in our daily lives. While there is no getting away from the attraction of convenience, let’s take note of some valuable lifestyle choices that continue to be practical, relevant, and, most importantly, healthy even in these times. Back to basics with cookware Pots and pans serve a purpose more than simply holding your meal. …[Read more]
Food as medicine 5 powerful pantry ingredients for a healthy life
Food… the source of energy, nutrients, and life itself! Almost all ancient civilisations and cultures of the world agree that food eaten right is all the medicine you need. In China, as far back as 2200 BCE, ancient clans started to discover the different medical values of herbs while they were still hunting and gathering. Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda advocates foods having therapeutic and medicinal value. In Tamil culture, Unnave Marundhu (food is medicine) was …[Read more]