Published 28 October 2014 ● Last Updated on 26 November 2016

The month of October brings us the perfect excuse to get creative again: Halloween!

While most people tend to dress up as brain-eating zombies or blood-sucking vampires, some of us prefer to sprinkle fairy dust and light up the room with an orgy of colours. If you’ve got a daughter, chances are she will favour something pretty and sparkly as opposed to Trick-or-Treating with her home-made guts spilling out on to the pavement and blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. Sadly, princess or fairy costumes you will find in your local shops are so blindingly pink and so itchily synthetic, we wouldn’t dress our worst enemy in them. Luckily, it really doesn’t take much to fashion a little fairy costume out of things you have laying around the house anyway and the few things you’ll need to buy will cost you under 8 dollars!

halloween costume - woodland fairy

All you will need to get started is an old fluffy skirt or a tutu. If your daughter doesn’t do pink and all you can find are pink ballerina tutus, you can easily dye them any colour your daughter may demand – just walk down to the nearest arts and crafts shop. Next you will need some faux flowers, leaves and butterflies. You can make these yourself using crepe paper, or buy them at the craft store as well. Once you have your supplies together, lay out the skirt or tutu and start positioning the leaves, flowers and butterflies to your liking. When you have decided on how you would like them to be placed, you can carefully sew them on. To add a nice effect, you can sew some of the leaves on only half way, so they stick up from the skirt. This will also work nicely for the butterflies.

For the top part of the costume all you will need is a sports-bra, a bodice or a tight fitting tank top. Find a scarf that best matches the chosen colours of your costume and sew flowers, butterflies and leaves on to it too. Make sure you leave at least 20cm of one side of the scarf free, as this will be sewn on to the top/bodice. Let your daughter slip into the skirt and the top to see where exactly you can attach the scarf, to make for a nice sparkly, flower power style cape. With the use of all these details, you won’t even need to get a set of fairy wings – your daughter will be flying high with her winged friends and the power of her blossoms!

Halloween costumes for your candy!


Roxanne is a German/British Journalist/Author based in Spain who shares our passion for all things old and quirky.




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