Tips and Guides,

How to declutter your closet A step-by-step guide

Secondsguru declutter closet poster

Essential disclaimer This article is aptly written by an erstwhile compulsive shopper. Yours truly. Since I’ve been there, done that and have the requisite experience, I was told by Anuja that I have to pen this piece! I am not complaining, as I managed to sort my own wardrobe in the process :-). Starting off Conduct a thorough analysis of the contents of your closet. As those of us who belong to the shopaholic tribe know- we …[Read more]

Not quite plastic-free July My battle with clingwrap!

cling wrap alternatives

Of all single-use plastic items, clingwrap is the most frustrating. Yes, I know plastic straws are also a contender for the number 1 stop – but we have the option to replace them with reusables, or refuse them altogether. And strong clean plastic bags can be reused as well. But clingfilm? You are literally stuck with no option but the trash can! I started my plastic-reduction journey a few years ago, and by now it …[Read more]

Back to school 9 ways to be more eco-friendly

back to school 9 eco ideas

New grade, new teachers, new classmates…. Are you off to match it with new supplies too? Before you head to the stores, use our 9 tips as a guideline on what to buy, and what not to buy. After all, the cost of anything we purchase isn’t borne not just by our wallet, but also the environment. #1 TOSS THE TISSUES Carry a cloth napkin instead of tissues with lunch; carry handkerchiefs instead of wipes. …[Read more]

Tips and Guides,

Eco friendly travel 7 tips to be environmentally conscious on a trip

Eco friendly travel Secondsguru guide eco tourism

When I was in school, summer breaks were the best time of all -as that was when we traveled for our annual holidays. The other term breaks were meant for mastering board games, learning (and improving) sports, exploring the outdoors and ahem, ahem, doing home work! Over the years distances have become shorter and travelling is as commonplace as going out for a meal. Most families take 1-2 long holidays and several short- the ubiquitous …[Read more]