Summer Fun 10 “Green”spirational books for kids !

Our pick of 10 green books to read to your kids this summer! These Earth-friendly stories will inspire budding environmentalists, teach little ones about sustainability and encourage them to be kind to Mother Nature.

Three years ago, when my son was in lower kindergarten, they had a unit on the 3Rs- reducing, recycling and reusing. What I loved about this unit was watching how the kids really took these things to heart and did their little bit for Mother Earth. So in my house – plastic use was reduced, we discussed how to reuse a lot of the stuff at home and talked about the importance of doing something …[Read more]

Gifts for Her 10 Eco-Friendly Buys

Gifts for Her |10 Eco-Friendly Buys - Looking for the perfect green gift for the lady in your life? From unique lifestyle products to luxe experiences, our selection of unique gifts are sure to put a smile on her face. Click through to find out more

Our last article on Gifts For Him generated a fair number of thank-yous from women; but even louder were the questions from men wondering when we’ll serve their need! This was a surprise really, as we at Team Secondsguru firmly believe that it is easy to please a woman – you just need imagination and discernment and aesthetic sense and an ability to read the hints between her lines… ah ok, we get it. So …[Read more]

Pulp Fantasy 5 Makeovers for Mango Leftovers!

Pulp Fantasy | 5 Makeovers for Mango Leftovers!

Come alphonso season, and invariably this happens: I pass by an aisle of mangoes, get drunk on their sweet heavy smell, and thanks to my Indian genes, end up buying not one or two but dozens in a go! Not that I regret it, not at all – days of feasting follow – with much slicing and dicing and trips to the weighing machine. But then comes the day when I realise I even if …[Read more]

Eco-warriors A guide to composting wet kitchen waste

Living for more than a decade in Mumbai, I often found myself overwhelmed by the sight of litter dumps, the stink and stench of household waste, the groaning weight of overflowing dump trucks. So once when I was expressing the same to a friend, I was amazed to hear about wet garbage/kitchen waste composting as a concept. I immediately started my online research and soon figured out what a blessing it was going to be to …[Read more]