Tips & Tricks Great deals on preloved furniture in Singapore

Does this ring a bell? You inquired the price of an orange bench, and upon hearing the answer, had trouble keeping your jaw closed. You are an expat and don’t want to spend a fortune furnishing a house you may stay in for just a couple of years. You want to replace an aging sofa, but every time you see the price tag of a new one, you think it is better to just stick …[Read more]

Eco Brands,

Mountain Teak A Green Furniture Store

Ms Chang, founder of Mountain Teak eco-friendly furniture store

Secondsguru features| This is not paid-for content. Time for candid confessions: Anuja and I are extremely fond of fine furniture and home accessories. Both of us can spend hours at our favourite stores just browsing and admiring unique one-off pieces. The good news (Hubbies, hope you are listening?!): the transition of these conversation pieces from the store to our homes happens less frequently, thanks to the Secondsguru DNA in our eco-system. Most of the time we …[Read more]

Gifts for Kids 9 Eco-friendly ideas for Christmas (and beyond)!

Gifts for Kids | 9 Eco-friendly ideas for Christmas (and beyond!)

It’s all Santa’s fault! He and his sleighful of toys is hard competition for all of us who want to be the the ones the good kids flock to (and they are always good this season!) with shining eyes and sighing thank-yous! If you want to be the grown-up who gets gifts right: here’s our holiday guide to buying this season. Not only will you bring joy to the lucky kid – you will also …[Read more]

Eco Brands, People,

“Journey East”Eco-friendly furniture from the EAST

Showcase| Journey East, a furniture store from the East

Journey East is a Singapore-based furniture retailer and home accessories store with a  soul: it specializes in recycled and reclaimed wood furniture. The store was set up in 1995 at Dempsy Hill and back then the collection comprised primarily of repurposed Dutch colonial and Javanese furniture. Over the years their repertoire has expanded to include brands and designers whose ethos resonates with that of Journey East: They are either Eco-friendly designer furniture or aesthetically designed reclaimed teak furniture and accessories. Today Journey …[Read more]