Events, People, Tips and Guides,

Giving Back Volunteering with Grassroots Sustainability Initiatives in Singapore

sustainable initiative to volunteer at in singapore

In an era where environmental challenges are more pressing than ever, the power of community-based sustainability initiatives cannot be overstated. Globally, these grassroots movements are making significant strides in promoting environmental stewardship, advocating for social responsibility and fostering a culture of volunteerism. Singapore, renowned for its green spaces amidst urban sprawl, is a testament to the effectiveness of such community engagement in driving sustainable change. This article aims to shine a light on Singapore’s vibrant …[Read more]

Tips and Guides,

Bio-Based Cleaners Are they truly sustainable?

In an era where environmental consciousness is on the rise, our daily consumer decisions provide a clear path to minimizing our ecological footprint. We consumers are trying to buy better – including the cleaning products we use. Our desire to be greener has seen a response in the supermarket aisles, where a range of “sustainable” cleaners, marketed as plant-based, chemical-free or bio-cleaners, are establishing their presence as an alternative to traditional cleaning agents, promising both …[Read more]

Tips and Guides,

Natural repellents to keep mosquitos away

natural mosquito repellents

Tropical, lush greenery is a welcome feast for the eyes. But as any explorer of glistening grounds after a rainfall can testify – it is also a spawning ground for mosquitoes! Bites from the pesky insect are more than just an annoyance as they can cause serious diseases such as dengue and malaria. Protection in the outdoors is promised by an array of synthetic mosquito repellents in the market. But there is a fine print …[Read more]

Food waste in Singapore Managing it better

Food waste in singapore

By now many of us know that Singapore imports about 90% of its food supply from over 170 countries. But did you know that 1/5th of food – whether imported or locally produced – is lost or wasted annually in Singapore as per a study by Singapore Environment Council? Discarded food (cooked or raw) is actually the second-heaviest item in the national bin (Waste and Recycling Statistics). First things first – Food loss and wastage …[Read more]