Looking to offset your carbon footprint? │ A handy guide to choose the right carbon offset project

choose the right carbon offset project

“What difference does my teeny tiny carbon footprint really make?” At some point of time, this question may have been a whisper in your ear or a small thought bubble in your head… My friend, the world’s population is currently 7.7 billion people and is growing every minute! So, if each one had that question, I think that ‘teeny tiny carbon footprint’ would be substantially large to have an impact on Mother Earth. Singapore alone …[Read more]

Be a Green Valentine!

ideas for a special Valentine's day

In today’s busy world, maybe it’s actually a good thing to have a specific day assigned to love! This way, people are able to take the time out of their jam-packed schedules to appreciate loved ones and make at least these 24 hours special. And no, we are not being sarcastic… we understand that every little thing you do daily does express your love but, sometimes, “You walk the dog and I’ll do the dishes” …[Read more]


Should you buy carbon offsets? The solution when your best efforts aren’t good enough!

carbon offset purchase

In the rule book of success, there aren’t too many shortcuts in life. If we were to apply the same ethos to leading an eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle, one has to be determined to make all those little changes that truly count in the long run. But despite best efforts, sometimes, our carbon footprint can seem higher than what we’d hoped for. And that is when Carbon Offsetting is a good option to turn to! …[Read more]

How to host a sustainable event A ready checklist

host a sustainable event

As we try to be more environment-friendly in every aspect of our lives, let’s extend the consciousness to our social events as well. Whether formal or informal, events can be made more sustainable with just better planning; so let’s spread the joy (and ideas!) on hosting a low-waste event. I’m sure we’ve all attended events where everything is perfectly planned out by super-efficient event managers – from the precisely timed invites to the colour-coded decor, …[Read more]