People: Shikha Lamba, the jewellery transformer!

Jewellery resetting, revamping is all about recyling, upcyling and reducing waste. Given this, we simply dig people who contribute towards this effort. Our featured guest blogger, Shikha.S.Lamba is one such person.  Shikha is an entrepreneur, a mother, a jewellery designer and above all a transformer of old jewellery which often languishes in peoples cupboards. So if you have gemstones or baubles or just pieces of jewellery you do not know what to do with, reach out to her and she will spin her …[Read more]


Reinventing the self

recycle, reinvent your image

There I was, standing all dressed up, hoping he would spot me in the audience and call me up on stage. We would then croon ‘Something Stupid’ looking into each other’s eyes… when out of the blue, the clouds decided to pour down on the open air Padang stage at the Formula 1 in Singapore. I shook myself out of the semi trance state and ran to take cover for my iphone but the star …[Read more]