Halloween costumes for your candy!

recycle toilet rolls to candy holders

So 31st October is around the corner, and after constant reminders from my kids to brace up for the occasion, I am just about warming up to welcome Halloween. The Halloween bug however bit the city of Singapore WEEKS back! The supermarkets have had rows and rows dedicated to candies for treats, scary masks and ghoulish costumes since mid September. The RJ’s on radio channels have been discussing what to wear for the various Halloween …[Read more]

Deepavali cards: All you need is love … and glue!

Deepavali / Diwali greetings

Growing up, my sister and I could never understand why spring-cleaning was called so. As far as we could see, clearing out closets was an exercise our mother undertook with utter disregard to seasons. Every weekend, rain or shine, sweat or chill, entire rooms were overhauled and their contents interrogated on their usefulness, most of them ending sentenced to the recycle bin or a journey forward. Nothing was above reproach, nothing worth saving, except: Wedding …[Read more]

Recycling is cool

Recycling used tissue boxes

The year: 2011 The moment: Having finished another glass of apple juice and used the last piece of tissue in the box, my son walked into the kitchen and requested our helper, “Aunty, can you please clean up this tissue box so I can recycle and save the Earth?”. I almost fell off my chair but had to pretend that it’s totally normal for a 2 1/2-year-old to want to recycle, lest I put him …[Read more]

Beer Belly to Beer Belle

display your beer coasters

So you love beer, and all you have to show for it is a belly? It doesn’t have to be that way. With some yoga, spare five minutes and a bar of Blu Tack, you can proclaim your obsession much more elegantly. Just pick your canvas – table tops, shelf backs, doors, walls – and stick on. Even the most craft-challenged [and/or inebriated!] can execute this with pizazz. Just keep off the ladder if you …[Read more]