From the time that life began on Earth, innumerable animal and plant species have thrived and disappeared because of diverse reasons ranging from evolution to an asteroid crash. But never before has a species itself been the driving force of mass destruction. We are now at a juncture where humanity’s actions are the prime cause for the loss of almost 150 species a day. In May 2019, a United Nations report warned that around one …[Read more]
Orangutan habitats What can we do to restore them?
This article has been penned by Atikah Kasim, the Outreach & Engagement Manager for People’s Movement to Stop Haze (PM Haze) – a non-profit focusing on the transboundary haze which occurs as a result of unsustainable deforestation. Her work mainly revolves around engagement with local organisations and food businesses, managing resources, manpower and volunteers, and ensuring that everything goes as planned. Atikah enjoys planning and executing events, and is passionate about contributing to building healthy, …[Read more]
Marine Debris Quiz Test your knowledge
From sterilised medical tools to microwave meals and affordable toys, the invention of plastic has changed our lives in ways both big and small. But the rate at which we’re consuming and discarding plastic – especially single-use products – is getting out of control and creating real problems for our oceans. Every year the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) , a globally coordinated clean up of beaches and waterways, by Ocean Conservancy, is held on the …[Read more]
The plastic diet How much are you ingesting?
We are using more plastic than ever before. I vividly remember as a child we used to carry bags for our weekly vegetable and fruit shopping from the market. Most often these bags were worn out bed sheets that Amma (my mother) would stitch up as bags, some were handmade with a kind of wire. We never left the house without these. Shopkeepers packed what we bought in newspapers or brown paper covers. Oil was …[Read more]