Pack a punch Healthy lunch box recipes

healthy lunch box ideas for kids and all ages

Food and water are the very basis of life. Every living thing needs energy to go about their everyday work and this energy is provided by the food we eat. As human beings we get to choose from such a huge array of foods, hence as a responsibility to our body, it’s important to make healthy choices. Planning a balanced and healthy lunchbox can be quite a challenge because not only does it have to …[Read more]

Food Labels What they say and how to read them?

what is in your food label

Food, one of the basic necessities of humankind, has long surpassed the necessity status and gone on to take a fancier role in our lives. From eating to satiate hunger and derive strength from the nutrients in the food, food itself has become more of a fashion statement. Leading this pageant is food in fancy packaging straight out of the factory! A factory is defined as a production plant where they manufacture items or operate …[Read more]

Handy Tips,

Eco Tips Everyday hacks to heal the world

every day earth day

The Earth is the only planet we know of that supports life. But with the evolution of humankind (who has not been so kind to the Earth), it’s survival has become a bit of a question mark. Our footprint is all over the planet, along with debris and pollution. The first mass call for action to combat destructive human activities came about 50 years ago – in spring of 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin, …[Read more]