Three years ago, when my son was in lower kindergarten, they had a unit on the 3Rs- reducing, recycling and reusing. What I loved about this unit was watching how the kids really took these things to heart and did their little bit for Mother Earth. So in my house – plastic use was reduced, we discussed how to reuse a lot of the stuff at home and talked about the importance of doing something …[Read more]
Summer Fun 10 “Green”spirational books for kids !
Gifts for Her 10 Eco-Friendly Buys
Our last article on Gifts For Him generated a fair number of thank-yous from women; but even louder were the questions from men wondering when we’ll serve their need! This was a surprise really, as we at Team Secondsguru firmly believe that it is easy to please a woman – you just need imagination and discernment and aesthetic sense and an ability to read the hints between her lines… ah ok, we get it. So …[Read more]
Pulp Fantasy 5 Makeovers for Mango Leftovers!
Come alphonso season, and invariably this happens: I pass by an aisle of mangoes, get drunk on their sweet heavy smell, and thanks to my Indian genes, end up buying not one or two but dozens in a go! Not that I regret it, not at all – days of feasting follow – with much slicing and dicing and trips to the weighing machine. But then comes the day when I realise I even if …[Read more]
Eco-warriors A guide to composting wet kitchen waste
Living for more than a decade in Mumbai, I often found myself overwhelmed by the sight of litter dumps, the stink and stench of household waste, the groaning weight of overflowing dump trucks. So once when I was expressing the same to a friend, I was amazed to hear about wet garbage/kitchen waste composting as a concept. I immediately started my online research and soon figured out what a blessing it was going to be to …[Read more]