Tips and Guides,

6 disposable plastics you can easily leave today

6 disposable plastics you can leave easily

The problem with plastic is not plastic, but us! Plastic is durable, strong, versatile. It insulates, it packs, it can be molded.  It is so stable a compound that it can last for centuries… And we use this long, long, long, long lasting material to create disposables that end up in the garbage after the 5 minutes it takes to drink soda with a straw, or the 30 minutes it takes to gobble down pasta …[Read more]

Tips and Guides,

Eco Homes Part 2 Running an eco-friendly kitchen

Eco friendly kitchen secondsguru

Once I was done setting up my kitchen with an eco-friendly design, appliances and everything else possible [read Eco-friendly Kitchen Part 1 ], I realised that the day-to-day actions might make it impossible to maintain its eco-friendly intent. For instance using plastics for storage and cling wraps would be almost counterproductive to my otherwise sustainably designed kitchen. That in mind, one fine day, my husband and I set down everything else and decided to explore the …[Read more]

Tips and Guides,

Eco Travel 6 Reasons to Visit Mongolia – Glamping, Time Travel and More…

mongolia GER travel with kids

Our guest writer today is Meenakshi Sharma, the founder of DateFyx, a platform that lists and curates memorable experiences for couples for their date nights and special occasions. Meenakshi believes that sharing experiences helps us bond better and create memories that you can chew on when you need a pick-me-up. She has some great recommendations within Singapore for couples – stylized picnics, private yacht charter, mystery dining and pottery-making. DateFyx offers these and more such …[Read more]

Confessions of newbie conscious consumer Oops, I won’t do it again!

Then and Now: I have been guilty of using styrofoam glasses, cheap tablecovers that can't last and glitzy platic goodie bags in the past. Fast forward to nowadays - using cloth to create long-lasting and unique decor, plant-based disposables and paper straws.

Once upon a time, there was no Secondsguru… just two friends living their carefree lives in urban havens with nothing worse to manage than first-world problems. We – Lara and Anuja – weren’t zero waste then (and honestly, still struggling to reach that goal now!) and made some purchase decisions that leave us aghast now! The world of conscious consumption- where the mantra of “refusal” is most important, buying is minimised and purchases are thought …[Read more]