Events, Upcycle,

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! We're ringing in 2015 by recycling all the clothes labels that the holiday season left us with.

  We ended holiday season 2014 with more goodie bags than we could manage, and like excited children, we’re fascinated by the packaging as much as the gift itself! To start with, we’ve turned the clothes labels into a colourful mini-banner announcing the new year, and it hangs cheerfully at our doors. Watch this space for our plans with the rest of the boxes that we unfold them! Here’s wishing you all a 2015 that …[Read more]


Do not recycle these! 5 New Year resolutions we all make (and break) repeatedly!

Some promises are meant to be kept. For everything else, there are New Year Resolutions! lists 5 promises we all make (and break) repeatedly

Yet another new year, yet another wave of self-improvement. It is impossible to scroll down one’s Facebook homepage this week without reading through promises of change and urges to transform into Mother Teresa or alternatively, Kim Kardashian’s body. Noble thoughts surely… but while half of us are scribbling down a list of resolutions to live 2015 by, the other half are secretly sniggering at the loftiness of ambition! Here are the most commonly made (and …[Read more]

DIY, Upcycle,

Old scarf, new style! Refashion your outfit with this DIY

This Christmas, spice up your wardrobe and turn your brightest scarf into a necklace. Try your hand at this cool and easy scarf tying DIY technique!

Do you ever feel like you just need a little something extra to jazz up an outfit or add a funky finishing touch? Maybe it’s the change in the season, but I think at this time of year we all feel like we need to revamp our wardrobes a little, and with Christmas and New Year 2015 around the corner the purse strings are pretty tight. So a personal shopping spree is most definitely not on the …[Read more]

Events, Recycle / Upcycle,

Top Christmas songs that have been recycled to death

Recycled Christmas songs

If you happened to be in Singapore in early November and walked around on Orchard road, you could already see shops lit up with sparkling Christmas decorations, traditional cookies (yes those that forever remain on the hips) and brightly coloured adverts urging you to start splashing out money on gifts! Now that December is here, the mood has become even more festive. None of the frenzy would be complete without every radio station, advert and music channel seemingly playing …[Read more]