Donate old clothes and items – collection drive for Goonj in Singapore

Charity Events in Singapore 2014

Secondsguru supports the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra and screams out a loud three cheers for India-based Goonj. Goonj is a social organisation that channels clothes and other urban discard from households that don’t need them to those who do. It collects donations in cities – ranging from school material to clothes to computers to even old doors – and moves them to far flung regions and less-privileged people across the country. Goonj has done commendable, documented work …[Read more]

Moms-to-be: Top 5 preloved buys

Top 5 preloved buys for affordable motherhood: maternity wear, nursing pillow, baby carrier, stroller, car seat

If you’re carrying a bump, we reckon you’re also carrying a list of things to buy for baby before D-Day! And it’s a long newborn checklist, adding up to a big number indeed. Is affordable maternity possible? Luckily, babies don’t demand everything be torn out of fresh plastic packaging. You can save money – and avoid wastefulness – by using hand-me-downs and buying gently used items. Here’s our list of Top 5 items that we …[Read more]

Brighten up your work blues- Transform the file holder !

File holder upcyling

Remember how excited you were as a kid, when summer came to an end and you got to go shopping for school supplies? The choices! Agendas, binders, file holders, notebooks and pencil cases came adorned with our favourite bands, animals or cartoon characters; pencils came in bright funky colours and the selection of the right backpack could mean big things in schoolyard terms. Maybe if adults had the same wide range of choices in office …[Read more]

DIY, Kids,

Colours for baby – homemade paints

edible paints for baby/kids activities

39,720 – That’s the number of babies born in Singapore last year. And I suspect that’s also the number of mothers in Singapore stressing out over raising their kids right as I type this! Thankfully, the joys of motherhood are equal to its challenges. Even though aisles of Baby Einstein, hours of prodigy TV shows and shelves of helicopter mother books create niggling doubts in our minds about how good we are, even one hour …[Read more]