It’s a girl’s dream to have a selection of designer handbags stashed away in her wardrobe just waiting to perfectly accessorise a favorite outfit. But when the cost of a Prada tote is comparable to a plane ticket to a far-off destination, it’s difficult to justify such a luxury. But don’t despair – if you are willing to put your girl-on-a-mission hat on and prepare for a journey to the secondhand branded bag (pre-loved as …[Read more]
A bottle too many? Recycle ideas for your glass containers
For all of us who love our in-home wining and dining, the trips to the glass recycling bin are all too frequent. Sauces, condiments, wines, beers, jams… anything even half-way gourmet comes in its own fancy bottle. Luckily, old bottles and jars need never die, they can just rest in peace – on your mantelpiece! Oil Bottles Just add an oil dispenser on top, and there you have it – a style statement for your …[Read more]
Donate old clothes and items – collection drive for Goonj in Singapore
Secondsguru supports the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle mantra and screams out a loud three cheers for India-based Goonj. Goonj is a social organisation that channels clothes and other urban discard from households that don’t need them to those who do. It collects donations in cities – ranging from school material to clothes to computers to even old doors – and moves them to far flung regions and less-privileged people across the country. Goonj has done commendable, documented work …[Read more]
Moms-to-be: Top 5 preloved buys
If you’re carrying a bump, we reckon you’re also carrying a list of things to buy for baby before D-Day! And it’s a long newborn checklist, adding up to a big number indeed. Is affordable maternity possible? Luckily, babies don’t demand everything be torn out of fresh plastic packaging. You can save money – and avoid wastefulness – by using hand-me-downs and buying gently used items. Here’s our list of Top 5 items that we …[Read more]